of Boostrack GmbH in business dealings with entrepreneurs
Here you will find the current general terms and conditions of Boostrack GmbH (AGB).
- Scope, General
- Information/advice/properties of the products and services/acts of cooperation by the customer
- Sample copies / documents and data provided / samples / cost estimates
- Conclusion of contract / scope of delivery and service / software / procurement risk and guarantee
- Delivery / place of performance / delivery time / delay in delivery / packaging
- Force majeure / self-supply
- Dispatch / Passing of Risk / Acceptance
- Notification of defects / breach of duty in the form of poor performance due to material defects (warranty)
- Prices / Terms of Payment / Defense of Uncertainty
- retention of title, attachments
- Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability
- Place of Performance / Place of Jurisdiction / Applicable Law
- property rights, license
- Export control / product approval / import regulations
- Opening of insolvency proceedings / Incoterms / written form / severability clause
Your Boostrack GmbH team