Intelligent C-parts box
BOOSTRACK links and automates the C-parts management with a direct workplace supply
Automated C-parts bins
The supply of C-parts is ensured with the BOOST.Box and automatic refilling can take place at any time, regardless of the place of use. This is an important step towards full C-parts supply and enables the material supply to be automated.
Flexible for every location
real-time system
- Automatic and independent reordering
- transparency and traceability
The BOOST.Box is the intelligent solution for the provision of C-parts in manufacturing companies. The box can be positioned anywhere in production and monitors the removal of materials by employees. The preset workflow function "Booking before withdrawal" ensures that no unauthorized person has access to the available materials. Reordering of C-parts is automated. Due to the different box sizes, they can be easily integrated into mobile shelving systems and the BOOST.Box is therefore also referred to as a mobile KANBAN 4.0. The solution offers many design options for needs-optimized material provision. Whether tools, consumables or items for occupational safety, the BOOST.Box ensures transparent, safe and efficient material provision in production.
Stationary and mobile use
access permissions
Individual workflows

Media library: BOOST.Box
Learn everything about the BOOST.Box in our video overview.
BOOST.Box: Innovation in consumption recording
Smart, flexible and mobile - that is our BOOST.Box. After authentication, the required product can be removed. Whether permanently installed or mobile on a transport trolley, the box provides the raw materials, auxiliary materials and supplies required for ongoing production and, as a mobile Kanban 4.0, can optimally document your consumption anywhere.
BOOST.Box: The storage
The BOOST.Box not only serves as a removal device. Loan tools can also be assigned via this. In this clip we show how quickly the box can be refilled.
BOOST.Box: The login and withdrawal
The smallest patented removal system is very easy to use. Hold your RFID chip against the device, select the quantity of tools or items you need and remove the parts.
BOOST.Starter Kit
Your start in the BOOST.System
The future of your materials management begins with Boostrack. The perfectly thought-out digital modular system developed by us as experienced industry experts enables a completely new, 100% transparent overview, control and security of your entire material supply. With a bundle of fascinating benefits!
Easy entry into future-oriented inventory and procurement management
BOOST.Tower & Locker

BOOST.Tower and Locker
- Material provision 24/7
- Automatic reordering
- Consumption analysis and reporting
- 2000 compartments plus extra storage space
BOOST.Assembly trolley

BOOST.Assembly trolley
- Robust design
- Transparent withdrawals online and offline
- high-quality work materials always at hand
- Perfect for the modular integration of the BOOST.Box
BOOST.Assembly trolley

BOOST.Assembly trolley
- Robust design
- Transparent withdrawals online and offline
- high-quality work materials always at hand
- Perfect for the modular integration of the BOOST.Box

- Stationary and mobile use
- Registration via RFID
- access permissions
- Individual reports

- Efficient warehouse planning
- Paperless picking
- Multi-device possibility
- Individual e-shop as an intra-ordering system

- Efficient warehouse planning
- Paperless picking
- Multi-device possibility
- Individual e-shop as an intra-ordering system
BOOST button

BOOST button
- Order without hassle
- Push notification via SMS or email
- Easy implementation

- Automatic needs assessment
- Multi-level monitoring
- Combination of several sensors

- Automatic needs assessment
- Multi-level monitoring
- Combination of several sensors

- Registration via NFC/RFID
- logging
- Access Check
- transmission

- All conventional scanning processes
- Clear management tool
- Simply digitize magazine or warehouse
- Additional BOOST.Apps for administration

- All conventional scanning processes
- Clear management tool
- Simply digitize magazine or warehouse
- Additional BOOST.Apps for administration
Video call
Make an appointment with us to discuss the management of your C-parts. We are looking forward to it!
BOOST.Video call


Make us your partner on the way to the digital future - and thus ensure your long-term success. We would be happy to advise you individually.
Contact us
Boostrack GmbH
Engeldorfer Straße 25
50321 Bruehl
Phone: 02232 500-350